Preis: 58,34 €
Schlagwort: Anleitung Gymnastik
Ratgeber Gymnastik
NSCA’s Guide to High School Strength and Conditioning
Preis: 58,35 € Description|Table of Contents|Editor|Excerpts|Quotes|28 common resistance training exercises |10 bodyweight exercises |12 anatomical core exercises |11 static and dynamic stretching exercises |12 plyometric exercises |10 speed and agility drills […]
Ratgeber Gymnastik
Dance Medicine in Practice: Anatomy, Injury Prevention, Training
Preis: 58,35 € Routledge
Ratgeber Gymnastik
Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Monster Core (P2)
Preis: 57,42 € Over 400 individual monster writeups, including everything from common animals, like wolves and bears, to terrifying supernatural foes, such as the rune giant or the grim reaper!Eight brand […]